User agreement
1. General provisions
1.1. The subject of regulation of this User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "PS" or the "Agreement") is the relationship between LLC "Euclid Technologies" (OGRN 1217700483110, 125480, Moscow, Planernaya ul., 3 K. 1, room. II floor 1 room. 8), hereinafter referred to as "ET" or "Company", which is the copyright holder of websites, services, programs and/or other products (applications), including informational, communication, advertising, educational, entertainment and other types (hereinafter referred to as "Services", and separately as "Service"), available including on the Internet at / (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"), and by you (an individual Internet user), hereinafter referred to as the "User", regarding the use of the Company's Services. This Agreement is posted at: .
1.2. The use of the Services, in addition to this Agreement, may be governed by separate rules applicable to a particular Service (the "Separate Service Agreement"), which are also part of this Agreement. In addition, the relationship between the Parties is governed by the General Privacy Policy of the ET Services, which is located at , as well as the Privacy Policies of the relevant Service.
1.3. Upon registration, each access and/or actual use of any of the Services, the User agrees to the terms of this Agreement, the General Privacy Policy of the ET Services, as well as the terms of the agreements, regulations and rules of the Services used by him, which are posted on the pages (sections) of the relevant Services, in the editions that were in effect at the time the actual use of such Services.
2. Subject of the Agreement
2.1. Under the terms of this Agreement, ET provides the User with access to the ET Services using the web interface and / or mobile interface and / or applications for personal computers and / or mobile applications and other tools, in order to provide services and / or grant rights to use the Services.
2.2. ET has the right to set restrictions on the use of Services that may be contained in this Agreement and in the Agreements of individual Services.
2.3. ET services are provided according to the tariff plans of the services, unless otherwise provided by this Agreement and/or Agreements of individual Services.
3. The procedure for registering a User in the Services
3.1. In order to use individual ET Services or to obtain the rights to use additional functional (software) features of the Services, the User must create an Account (ID) after completing the registration procedure. The Account login data can be used by the User for authorization on the resources of third parties (partner resources) that allow this possibility, followed by the creation of a technological connection with the ID. The use of such an authorization method may require the User to comply with certain conditions, including the conditions for the use of personal and other data by third-party resources. By choosing authorization using the ID data, the User agrees to the terms of its implementation.
Registration is carried out by filling out the registration form on the ET Services. In addition, the creation of an Account is possible through the use of other methods available within the relevant Service (for example, by logging into the Service through the User's account on a social network). In the process of filling out the registration form, the User independently selects the login and password necessary for subsequent access to the User Account, specifies the mandatory, minimum Credentials required for registration, as well as information that allows the User to restore access to his Account independently. ET does not verify the accuracy of the information provided by Users, except in cases when such verification is necessary in order to fulfill ET obligations to Users.
The use of a number of ET Services is possible provided that a separate account is created for the corresponding Service, the order of use of which is determined by this Agreement and/or the Agreement of a separate Service.
3.2. ET cannot be held responsible and guarantee the security of the User's Account in the following cases: the User transfers to third parties (intentionally or inadvertently) the password and Credentials; third parties' access to the User's Account due to the User's use of forms located on external Internet sites to access the Services using software, allowing the selection and /or decoding of the password; access of third parties to the User Account by simply selecting the password and Credentials; failure by the User to comply with the recommendations specified in this Agreement, User Agreements for individual Services or the interface of the corresponding Service.
3.3. In some cases, in order to ensure more reliable protection of the User's Account, the Company implements a system for linking the Account to a mobile phone. To use this system, the User provides the Company with one or more of his mobile phone numbers.
In case of loss of the login and password, the User may be provided with other ways to restore access to the Account that are valid at the time of logging into the Account.
The User can also use the system of linking an e-mail address to his Account, which will be used as an additional tool to ensure the security of the User's Account in the ET services.
4. Materials posted by Users in the Services
4.1. The User is fully responsible for the content of the messages sent or published, as well as for all information, data, text, programs, music, sounds, photos, graphics, videos, messages and other materials (hereinafter referred to as "Materials") publicly published and/or transmitted using the ET Services. This means that the User is fully responsible for all the Materials that the User uploads, sends, receives, transmits or in any other way makes available through the ET Services. ET does not control the Materials transmitted by ET Services, therefore, does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or quality of these Materials.
4.2. The User understands that by using some of the ET Services, he may see Materials that may be regarded by him as offensive, unreliable or controversial, and at the same time the User understands that the responsibility for posting such Materials is borne by the Users of the ET Services who posted them.
4.3. The User may not upload, transmit or publish Materials on the ET Services if the User does not have the rights or permission of the corresponding copyright holder to post them. In case of claims from third parties related to the User's posting of Materials, the User will settle these claims independently and at his own expense.
4.4. The User agrees to the use by the Company and / or other Users of the Service of the Materials posted by the User in such a Service, if they are used within the functionality chosen by the User.
4.5. Individual Services of the Company provide Users with the opportunity to post Materials that will be publicly available to all Internet users or to all users of a certain Service of the Company. By using such Services, the User understands and agrees that by uploading Materials to the Service, the User provides access to them to the above-mentioned persons by default.
4.6. Except for the cases established by this User Agreement or the Agreements of individual Services, as well as the current legislation of the Russian Federation, no Materials may be copied (reproduced), processed, distributed, displayed, published, downloaded, transferred, sold or otherwise used in whole or in parts without prior permission from ET, or the corresponding copyright holder, except in cases where the copyright holder has explicitly expressed his consent to the free use of the Material.
4.7. The User, using the functionality of the ET Services, agrees that some information may be transferred to ET partners solely for the purpose of ensuring that the ET Company provides the appropriate Service to the User, as well as granting the User the rights to use additional functional (software) features of the corresponding Service provided jointly with these partners, and only to the extent necessary for proper provision such Services and/or functionality, and also in other cases in order to fulfill the terms of this Agreement.
5. Rights and obligations of the User when using the Services
5.1. The use of the (software) capabilities of the Services is provided by ET to the User (licensee) on the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license for the period stipulated by the relevant tariff plans and functional (software) capabilities of the Service.
5.2. The User undertakes not to use the ET Services and other products of the Company for:
5.2.1. achieving illegal goals, and in the case of establishing special purposes for the use of the Services – to achieve other goals that are not explicitly specified in this Agreement or User Agreements of individual Services;
5.2.2. uploading, sending, transmitting or any other method of publishing Materials (including pointing to its location by placing a link) that are illegal, malicious, threatening, insulting morality, containing pornographic materials, defamatory, violating the rights of minors and/or harming them in any form, including including moral, infringing on the rights of various minorities, which the User does not have the right to make available by law or according to any agreements with third parties, including due to violation of copyright and other intellectual rights of third parties, propagandizing hatred and/or discrimination of people on racial, ethnic, sexual, social grounds, as well as violating accepted norms and ethics of communication on the Internet, or complicating the work of other users with the Services of ET;
5.2.3. uploading, sending, transmitting or any other method of publishing advertising information not specifically authorized, including mass, unauthorized and/or not expected by recipients, unsolicited promotional mailings, including mailings with a large number of repetitions to one postal address ("Spam"), as well as repeated sending of letters/messages to one addressee, not agreed with him;
5.2.4. impersonating another person or a representative of any organization and/or community, including the support service of ET, ET employees, or performing other actions aimed at misleading Internet users or other persons;
5.2.5. downloading, sending, transmitting or any other way of publishing any Materials containing viruses or other computer codes, files or programs designed to disrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer or telecommunications equipment or programs, to carry out unauthorized access to computer systems, equipment or data of third parties, as well as serial numbers to commercial software products and programs for their generation, logins, passwords and other means for obtaining unauthorized access to paid resources on the Internet, as well as placing links to the above information; For reproducing, copying, collecting, systematizing, storing, transmitting information posted on ET Services, using it in whole or in any part in any way, including for commercial purposes, for the purposes of retrieving the database from ET Services, in the absence of ET consent. It is prohibited to use automated scripts (programs, bots, crawlers) to collect information and (or) interact with ET Services without the consent of ET;
5.2.6. collection and storage of personal data of third parties in violation of the requirements of applicable law;
5.2.7. to perform other actions related to the violation of this Agreement or User Agreements for individual Services, as well as the requirements of applicable law.
6. Rights and obligations of the Company when providing Services
6.1. The Company carries out the current management of the Services, independently determines their structure, appearance, permits or restricts Users' access to the Services in case of violation by such persons of the provisions of this Agreement, exercises other rights belonging to it.
6.2. The Company has the right, without compensation for any costs or losses to the User, to block/delete the User's Account and (or) suspend, restrict or terminate the User's access to any of the Services, and (or) delete all or some of the Materials posted by the User in the Services, in the manner and under the conditions provided for in Section 7 of this Agreement.
6.3. The Company has the right to:
6.3.1. on the terms set forth in this Agreement or the User Agreements of individual Services, provide the User with access to the selected Services;
6.3.2. make comments to Users, warn, notify, inform them of non-compliance with this Agreement or User Agreements of individual Services. The Company's instructions addressed to the User regarding the use of the Service are mandatory for such a User;
6.3.3. to provide, within a reasonable time, technical and informational support to the User necessary to gain access to the Service and its subsequent use;
6.3.4. collect and process information about Users, including their personal data, in the manner and on the grounds set out in the Privacy Policy of the ET Services and the Privacy Policies of individual ET Services, as well as collect and process anonymized statistical data on the use of the ET Services;
6.3.5. place advertisements on the Website or Services, the presence of which is a necessary condition for the User to use the Services.;
6.3.6. to send messages to Users (e-mail, sms, push notifications and other types of mailings) of advertising and informational content through the ET Services and/or third-party services, including from ET partners to whom the User has agreed to send him messages, as well as messages about the introduction of new or cancellation of old Service functions. The User has the right to refuse to receive advertising messages at any time.
6.3.7. To make direct contacts with the User by means of communication (by phone, by e-mail or by other means) in order to receive information / comments from the User about the problems / questions that have arisen when using the ET Services or feedback on the functioning of the Services necessary to eliminate errors in the operation of the ET Services and their further development / improvement;
6.3.8. suspend the provision of ET Services without prior notice to Users in case of the need for preventive maintenance in ET Services, in case of force majeure, as well as accidents or failures in the software and hardware complexes of third parties cooperating with ET, or actions of third parties aimed at suspending or terminating the functioning of all or part of the Services ET;
6.3.9. prohibit the User from automatically accessing the ET Services, as well as to stop receiving any information generated automatically (for example, "Spam");
6.3.10. take measures not prohibited by law to protect their own rights in relation to the ET Services.
7. Termination of the User Account, restoration of access to the Account, deletion of Materials posted by the User
7.1. The User agrees that ET reserves the right to block / delete the User's Account and (or) suspend, restrict or terminate the User's access to any of the Services and (or) delete all or some Materials posted by the User in the Services, without explaining the reasons for such actions and without prior notice to the User, however ET will make every possible effort to eliminate such situations. Suspension, restriction or termination of the User's access to the Service, registration in which is necessary to use other Services, may result in the inability to use the latter.
7.2. In particular, ET may exercise the rights listed in clause 7.1. for the following reasons:
7.2.1. if ET detects signs of violation of the terms of this User Agreement or the Agreement on the Use of a separate Service in the User's actions;
7.2.2. at the appropriate request of the authorities and the court, if all the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation are met;
7.2.3. not using the User Account to access the Service for a long period of time (which may be defined in this User Agreement or in the agreement on the use of a separate Service);
7.2.4. due to unforeseen technical problems or security-related circumstances;
7.2.5. due to interference and any violations with respect to the ET Services, including the use of any devices, software, etc.
7.3. Termination of the User Account may result in:
a) removal of the User's access to the personal part of the corresponding Service;;
b) the removal of the User's Materials contained in the corresponding ET Service.
7.4. In a number of Services, the User is granted the right to refuse to use his Account by deleting it.
7.5. If the User loses the password from the Account, access to it can be restored only if the User provides the information specified when creating the Account accurately, correctly and completely, as well as if the User provides correct information to the additional questions of the Company's support service, if it is necessary for the purposes of restoring access to the Account The user. If the User neglected to provide accurate, correct and complete Credentials or failed to answer additional questions from the support service, the Customer support service will not be able to restore access to the Account when contacting.
8. The right of ownership of intellectual property objects
8.1. The User's use of the means of individualization of ET is allowed with the consent of ET and subject to the User's compliance with the Guidelines for the Use of Means of Individualization and its Derivatives.
8.2. The User acknowledges and agrees that the Services of ET contain audiovisual works, computer programs, trademarks and other intellectual property objects, the rights to which belong to ET (and/ or contractors of ET), which cannot be used without obtaining prior consent from ET
8.3. ET grants the User, subject to the restrictions set forth in this Agreement or in the Agreements of individual Services, a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the software for its intended purpose provided within the ET Services, and also provided that neither the User himself nor any other persons with the assistance of the User will copy or modify this software; create programs derived from the software; penetrate the software in order to obtain program codes; sell, assign, transfer to third parties in any other form of rights in relation to such software, as well as modify such software, including for the purpose of obtaining unauthorized access to it.

9. Responsibility of ET
The User understands and agrees that:
9.1. All ET Services are provided "as is", unless otherwise expressly provided by this Agreement and/or Agreements of individual Services. ET does not guarantee that the Services, as well as the results of using the Services, will meet the goals, expectations and requirements of the User; ET does not guarantee that the Services will be provided continuously, quickly, reliably and without errors; the results that can be obtained by the User will be accurate and reliable; the quality of the Services, as well as the results of using the Services, including information, will meet the User's expectations, and that all errors in the programs will be corrected;
9.2. ET assumes no responsibility for the delay, deletion, non-delivery or inability to download any User data, including User settings;
9.3. Any materials (intellectual property objects) obtained by the User using the ET Services may be used by the User at his own risk, while the User is responsible for any damage that may be caused to the User's computer and User data as a result of downloading these materials.;
9.4. ET is not responsible for any direct or indirect losses that occurred due to the use or inability to use the ET Services, due to unauthorized access to the User Account; due to fraudulent activities of third parties.
10. Confidentiality of ET
10.1. ET may use User authentication technologies, including the use of cookies, as well as use these technologies for marketing purposes to study User preferences. At the same time, such identification is non-personalized and generalized, IT does not track the actions of individual Users and does not transmit information about them.
10.2. Within the functioning of the ET Services and in compliance with applicable legislation, the secrecy of messages is ensured and the confidentiality of information about ET Users is respected, except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
10.3. The User agrees that if the Service allows you to send messages, then the outgoing and incoming messages of the User, or uploaded Materials undergo certain automatic processing by ET programs for the full transmission, reception and storage of messages/Materials. Mandatory automatic mail processing includes the necessary set of measures to detect malicious codes in the transmitted information, as well as, if possible, blocking or deleting them (depending on the complexity of this code and the software of the ET Services). These measures are taken solely to protect Users' personal computers, as well as to reduce the load on the ET equipment.
11. Feedback and procedure for consideration of claims
11.1. The User, who believes that his rights and interests have been violated due to the actions of ET, can send an appropriate appeal. Consideration of requests is handled by the ET User Support Service in accordance with the general procedure for reviewing incoming requests.
11.2. The User can send all requests, including regarding the operation of the ET Services, to the User Support Service 11.3. The User and ET agree that all possible disputes regarding the User Agreement will be resolved in accordance with the rules of this User Agreement and with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
12. Amendments and Additions to this Agreement
12.1. This Agreement and the Agreements of individual Services may be amended only with the notification of the User by posting a new version of the amended agreement on the Website. The changes made by ET to the Agreement come into force on the day following the day of publication of such changes on the Website. The User undertakes to independently check this Agreement and the Agreements of individual Services for changes made. The User's failure to perform familiarization actions cannot serve as a basis for the User's failure to fulfill his obligations and the User's failure to comply with the restrictions established by this Agreement and the Agreements of individual Services.
12.2. The User has the right to refuse to accept amendments and additions to this Agreement and/or the Agreements of individual Services, which means that the User refuses to use all and/ or individual ET Services and all rights previously granted to him.
13. Final provisions
13.1. Nothing in this Agreement can be understood as the establishment of agency relations, partnership relations, joint activity relations, personal employment relations, or any other relations not expressly provided for by the PS between the User and ET.
13.2. The recognition by the court of any provision of the PS as invalid or not subject to enforcement does not entail the invalidity or unenforceability of other provisions of the PS.
13.3. Inaction on the part of ET, in case of violation by the User, or other third parties, of the provisions of the PS does not deprive ET of the right to take appropriate actions to protect its interests later.
This Agreement is governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation. Issues not regulated by this Agreement are subject to resolution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
13.4. All disputes between the parties under this Agreement are subject to resolution by correspondence and negotiations using the mandatory pre-trial (claim) procedure. If it is impossible to reach an agreement between the parties through negotiations within 60 (sixty) calendar days from the date of receipt by the other Party of a written claim, the dispute must be referred by any interested party to the court at the location of the ET (with the exception of the jurisdiction of the case to any other courts).

Edition of 04/14/2022